Educational Philosophy
DreamSpark Academy believes that all children can be successful learners, they just need the right spark. That may come through imaginative play, structured learning, exposure to the arts, and engagement in STEM activities. Our goal is to provide as many varied opportunities for these “igniting moments”, via our state approved curriculum, creative teachers, and local educational providers of enrichment events.
Administrative Team

Jason DuBose has been in education since 1997. During his career he has worked in early childhood and teen addiction prevention, taught for 12 years in public education, served as an administrator in public schools and higher education, ran a highly rated after school program, worked in the test and assessment industry, as well as educational software development. He has an administrator’s certification, a master’s in education, and a master’s in business administration.
Jason is a father of 2 daughters, an avid collector of sci-fi memorabilia, and an amateur product photographer. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children on family trips to Mexico and Florida, as well as pop-culture conventions.
Executive Director of Business Operations
Megan Reeves brings 10 years of experience in school business finance and over 20 years of business operations experience including a role as the VP of Operations and Service for a Credit Union. She is also holds certifications in Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E) and Certified Agile Leadership Teams (CAL-T).
Megan is a proud mom of one daughter. Megan loves bicycle rides, long walks and sunsets. She treasures time with her family and knows that she is blessed.”

Director – DreamSpark #1, Denton, Tx.
Laketa Hill has been in childcare since 1998. She started her career teaching children aged 18 months through 24 months.
In 2003 she obtained the certification for Childcare Director and has worked in this position for nearly 11 years. In 1998 Laketa helped to establish a low-income at-risk youth program that provided low-income families recreational activities and child daycare.
Laketa is the mother of three sons and one daughter, she enjoys spending quality time with her family. Laketa loves children and painting.